What are the Sacraments?
The sacraments are divided into: the sacraments of Christian initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist); the sacraments of healing (Penance and Anointing of the Sick);, and the sacraments at the service of communion and mission (Holy Orders and Matrimony). The sacraments touch all the important moments of Christian life. All of the sacraments are ordered to the Holy Eucharist “as to their end”.
To schedule a baptism, please contact us at least 4 weeks in advance.
CCD or RCIA classes are available for those wishing to receive the sacrament of confirmation.
If you wish to receive First Communion, join CCD or RCIA classes.
Confessions are available 30 minutes before every Mass or by appointment.
Anointing the Sick
If you wish to receive the sacrament, please contact us.
Holy Orders
If you are interested in Holy Orders, please contact us.
Holy Matrimony
Contact the office at least 6 months before you plan to marry.