

Here are a few links to Catholic websites that may be helpful with your ministry, or just make good reading to deepen your faith.  They will open in a new window.

The Vatican— Official Vatican website. Official documents and resources of thr Roman Catholic Church.

New Advent — Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Document Library, Summa Theologica, Church Fathers.

Zenit — Daily news from the Vatican and worldwide happenings in the Church.

EWTN — Devotionals, Prayers, Mass Readings, Document and Audio Library.

Catholic Culture — Reviews of Catholic sites and their fidelity to the teachings of the Church. Also, Saints and Liturgy information.

CERC — Catholic Educator’s Resource Center. Articles on a myriad of subjects by well known Catholic authors.

Pure Love Club — The chastity outreach program of Catholic Answers. Find frequently asked questions, and chastity resources.

Couple to Couple League — The Couple to Couple League is an international, Catholic, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and teaching fertility awareness (natural family planning) to married and engaged couples.  More Marriage Resources here.

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology — A non-profit reseach and educational institute that promotes life-transforming Scripture study in the Catholic tradition. Find research and study tools including books, multi-media and on-line programming, and on-line Bible studies.

Check out this Catholic Apologetics Resource Section at for a compilation of resources on subjects such as Church History, the Sacraments, Pro-life issues, Non-Christian religions, and much more.You can also find great apologetics on almost any subject in the ‘Library’ at (Catholic Answers)